Digital CRM

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About Digital CRM

Kleardigital CRM is influencer marketing platform that helps you to search, recruit, monitor and manage authentic relationships to build big-time brand love in a single platform. Offering all the significant features that a top-tier marketing management software should, the platform is easy to use.

It organizes everything all into workflows so that users never get lost. With the most comprehensive database on the market.

System Features

Real Time Analysis
Forecast Campaign ROI
Campaign Content Management
Data Analytics
Search and Discovery Engine
Influencer Compensation

Technology Used


It is a lightweight, highly testable presentation framework that couples the models, views and controllers allowing each component to be tested independently.

Microsoft SQL Server 2017

It is a powerful data management system that delivers a rich and reliable data store for lightweight Web Sites and desktop applications.

Web form

Lenders can manage data for any type of loan and the data can be used to create document types, and task lists

Entity Framework

It is an object-relational mapping framework that enables developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects without having to write code to access data from a database.

Unit Test Cases:

Development of test scenarios, functional test cases and execution of test cases and rectification of bugs through continuous tracking & follow up.

Repository Pattern

Used Repository pattern to provide create, read, update & deletes (CRUD) methods for entities in the domain model.

SOA Architecture

It has fine-grained service-oriented architecture (SOA) that is loosely coupled, reusable, and maintainable.


It is a powerful front-end framework for creating flexible and responsive web layouts as well as user interface components

Twain scanning software

It allows scanning images, save scanned images to various formats (bmp, JPEG, tiff, png, pdf, GIF)

Client Feedback

"Out-of-the-box functionality and an intuitive user experience allowed us to quickly implement and realize gains. Robust customization capabilities allow us to pursue a truly bespoke solution, custom-tailored to our organization."

"From an audit perspective, this Loan Management System is fantastic!! If used correctly and to its fullest potential, Digital CRM is extremely reliable and produces a myriad of reports that are paramount to accurate record-keeping and the financial statement audit process."

"I have been in the mortgage business for over twenty years and have had the opportunity to use several software solutions available to the industry. There is nothing out there in the marketplace that can really compare to Digital CRM. It’s extremely powerful and easy to use."

Digital CRM Features

Influencer Metrics

Automated Campaign Reports offering a macro and granular analysis.

Collaboration Portal

Managing campaigns with multiple influencers easy and hassle-free.

Personalized Campaign Notifications

: Get real-time updates on your campaign progress!

Native Email Client Integration

Users can reply to messages from their Email without logging into Kleardigital CRM

Scoring System

In a millisecond, search algorithm sorts through millions of influencers in our search index.

Customizable Campaign Reports

Ability to edit campaign reports in order to highlight specific elements of their campaign.

Explicit Keyword List

Ability to flag malicious keywords used by an influencer.

Track Conversions

Clients can measure campaign Engagements, Reach, ROI, and Sales

Marketing Automation

Integrate seamlessly with online businesses and letting businesses personalize large-scale campaigns easily.

User Retention

Cross-function of marketing and dictate future campaigns based on user engagement and response.

Digital CRM Portfolio

See other projects we have done